Two Crones and a Microphone

Weaving Gratitude and Community into Thanksgiving: A journey to Joyous Bliss

Betty deMaye-Caruth & Linda Shreve Season 3 Episode 44

In this heartwarming episode of "Two Crones and a Microphone," join Sally and Betty as they weave a tapestry of gratitude and community in their holiday special, "Weaving Gratitude and Community into Thanksgiving." 

As seasoned cultural midwives, they share their personal stories and insights on finding joy and honoring oneself amidst the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. This episode is part of a two-part series dedicated to creating a joyous and grateful holiday experience. Dive into the history of Thanksgiving, from the early settlers and the Wampanoag people to the proclamations by George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Discover practical tips for maintaining well-being during the holidays, such as setting realistic expectations, nourishing the body, and establishing boundaries. Sally and Betty also introduce the concept of the Apache burden basket, a powerful tool for leaving burdens at the door and fostering a harmonious gathering. Whether you're hosting or traveling, this episode offers invaluable advice on creating intentional communities and finding solace in nature. Embrace the art of mindfulness and learn how to engage in meaningful connections with loved ones. As always, Sally and Betty encourage listeners to reach out with their experiences and reflections. 

"Two Crones and a Microphone is about shared wisdom through storytelling."

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Betty, Linda & Sally

Music by: Alexander Nakarada
Show Sponsors:, Franny's Photography Studio

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