
Dr. Betty deMaye-Caruth

Dr. Betty is a Registered Nurse, holds a Masters Degree in education and a doctorate in Holistic Health. She is Certified in Healing Touch, Aromatherapy, Therapeutic Touch, Reiki, and Flower Essences. In her private practice she offers Wellness Treatments and Counseling under the banner of the Minerva Educational and Wellness Treatment Center LLC promoting public awareness of holistic healthcare options through workshops, meetings and publications.

Dr. Betty was Business Women of the Year in 1999 and 2012, and is a retired Major of the United States Army Reserves. She has served as a consultant for various television and radio programs, and was frequently voted "Best Holistic Practitioner" by the Readers of the River Reporter. Her current companion is Luna Tuna a Schnoodle (Wee Beastie) who has her own page on Instagram.