Two Crones and a Microphone

Episode 39 Interview with Delinda (Dove) Hibbert: "Jackette of many Trades."

Betty deMaye-Caruth & Linda Shreve Season 2 Episode 39

In our latest podcast episode, we had the incredible opportunity to sit down with Delinda Hibbert, affectionately known as Dove or Dovey. A retired hypnotherapist and current board member, Dove is truly a "jacket of many trades," having worn numerous hats throughout her life, from conference coordinator to fiber artist. This episode is a deep dive into her spiritual journey and the wisdom she's gathered along the way.

Dove's story is a testament to the power of following your instincts and being open to the unknown. She recalls a pivotal moment in Wichita, Kansas, where a flyer for a workshop led by Oh' Shinnah Fast Wolf caught her eye. Despite knowing nothing about the topic or the speaker, Dove felt an irresistible pull to attend. This decision marked the beginning of a transformative journey filled with spiritual growth and self-discovery.

One of the most captivating parts of the episode is Dove's experience with Fabien Maman, a premier sound and color healing expert. During an advanced training in southern France, Dove participated in an exercise to find her unique note. Initially terrified, she stood before a piano and, under Fabian's guidance, began to sing. The moment she hit her note, it felt like "a thousand crystal bells went gently off" in her head, a profound and shattering experience that left her and her classmates in awe.

Dove's journey is not just about personal transformation but also about sharing her learnings with others. Whether teaching morning and evening prayers or guiding people through meditation, she emphasizes the importance of integrating spiritual practices into everyday life. These practices, she believes, can bring magic back into our lives, helping us see the world with fresh eyes and a renewed sense of wonder.

The episode also highlights the importance of paying attention to the signs and messages in our everyday lives. Dove, Sally and Betty, discuss how seemingly simple experiences can carry profound meanings if we are open to receiving them. Whether it's a flyer that catches your eye or a stick that falls into your lap, these moments can guide us toward our true path.

As the episode concludes, Dove, Sally and Betty encourage listeners to sit quietly and wait for messages to come, whether from nature, a song, or an unexpected encounter. They remind us that each of us holds a unique note in the universe, a note that no one else can replace. Discovering this note may take a lifetime, but it's a journey worth undertaking.

If you're looking for inspiration and practical wisdom to help you navigate your spiritual path, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in to hear Dove's incredible stories and insights, and perhaps, find a bit of magic in your own life.

Podcast Producer & Social Media Manager: Francine Rambousek/

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Betty, Linda & Sally

Music by: Alexander Nakarada
Show Sponsors:, Franny's Photography Studio

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