Two Crones and a Microphone

Share our Daily Life Rituals with you

Betty deMaye-Caruth & Linda Shreve Season 2 Episode 14

Intro: Hello and welcome to Two Crones and a Microphone – I am Linda and I am Betty. We are cultural midwives and a force for change using applied practical spirituality. We have been friends and colleagues for over 35 years.  We will ­talk about wisdom practices we use in daily life.

Linda - Podcast overview  – This is our 14th podcast and the topic is Sharing our daily life rituals with you. We will speak about why it is important, how to share with our families and friends and how to help calm that racka-racka roo (monkey mind) when it arises.  

Betty - We will share practices and processes you can use in daily life at home, work and play.  Pull up a chair, grab a cup of tea, a pen and paper and let’s get started.  Settle into your body, listen and see what you can use in your life. 

Quote about Rituals – from my teaching 

Ritual– the word ritual comes from the Latin “ritus” and the Greek “rheo”, and means to flow, run, rush or stream.  A ritual is a ceremony that puts us back in touch with the stream or flow of life’s energies.   – we want to share as a model what works for each of us – and now you can develop your own practices. 

Linda – What are our Rituals – If you have a daily ritual (all or part) it helps set the flow of the day. Sets the tone for the day. Helps us with our response to the day – can help us carry through all the day brings us.  Allows us to center and ground.  This is an extension of the grounding practices we have offered in our first podcast, which you can then curate for your own life. Maybe you are not so much a meditator, for example, but enjoy movement so use what works for you as a ritual. Stretching, yoga, tai chi, walk in nature.  

Betty - Better, more focused, aligned, alert and RELAXED. “relaxed alert” is a phrase used in many practices, when we are centered, relaxed and grounded our responses are more within our control. 

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Betty, Linda & Sally

Music by: Alexander Nakarada
Show Sponsors:, Franny's Photography Studio

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