Two Crones and a Microphone

Anxiety and its Remedies - Part 2

Betty deMaye-Caruth & Linda Shreve Season 2 Episode 13

Linda - Podcast overview  – This is our 13th podcast and the topic is PART 2 of Anxiety and its Remedies. We will speak about why it is important to each of us, how to share with our families and friends and how to help calm that racka-racka roo when it arises.  
Podcast 13 - MEDICAL DISCLAIMER : As a Nurse  - Anxiety is a Medical Diagnosis so we want to give a medical disclaimer.  Keep in mind this is educational and not intended to replace medical treatment. 
RECAP Part 1 (Episode 11)  – We covered anxiety and some of its indicators – (body, emotion mind/spirit) – we discussed having a conversation with our anxiety when it arises – keep in mind we want to be the one driving the bus (in our life) - and while anxiety may be a passenger on the bus, it should not be the driver.  Or nervous system is our bridge to our environment and is the seat of our relationship with the world and includes our inner life including our consciousness. The mind-body-spirit connections are real and are governed in large part by our nervous system.    

We decided there is so much to be said about Anxiety and its remedies we needed a PART 2 

Here are some other things which can help reduce anxiety:

  1. ·      Exercise raises our endorphin levels 
  2. ·      Weight bearing exercise – 1-2 lb weights - use soup cans if needed to lift and strengthen muscles in arms.
  3. ·      Also resistance and stretch bands can be safe ways to build flexibility and strength. I think its more fun!  And I like the colors.  
  4. ·      Swimming: Body is stretched, muscles and joints stretched, hips, legs and arms are lubricating our joints – lower-weight bearing 
  5. Dancing – shaking – SHAKE IT UP – from chair or standing!  Put on YOUR Favorite Music and move -  rotate your hips in a circle or figure 8 – be like a tree and wave your arms like branches – be bird like.  If have have a favorite – like the cha cha (?) then do that!  Have fun with it – smile and move.  

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Betty, Linda & Sally

Music by: Alexander Nakarada
Show Sponsors:, Franny's Photography Studio

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