Two Crones and a Microphone

Matters of the Heart - Love and caring for self and your world (others)

Betty deMaye-Caruth & Linda Shreve Season 2 Episode 0

FROM TWO CRONES – A Message for our New Year -  Lead with Love for yourself and others.  Love for Self includes “come as you are” self-acceptance and self care.  Love for others includes boundaries and sometimes straight speech and wisdom.   

As a society we teach woman to give their all – homemaker, teacher, lover, friend, nurse, caregiver  – but to be clear, these roles can also be true for any of us.  

Let’s start something different and look at how we learn to nourish and love ourselves?  As we are told, just like in a airplane with an oxygen mask we must put ours on first and then take care of others.  We need to fill our own cup.  

Linda  - Betty have you heard about the Five Love Languages.?  Betty – NO but it sounds really interesting. 

{FIVE LOVE LANGUAGES: What are the Five Love languages: I was just reading a new York Times article that cites this and I thought our listeners would be really interested in hearing about this.  These are outlined by Gary Chapman in a 1995 book, "The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate."  

What Is my Love Language? 

  1. Words of affirmation. These people light up when they hear words of affirmation, encouragement and appreciation. They want to hear regularly that they matter to you. 
  2. Quality time. The gift of your time and undivided attention are what make this person feel cared for. Choosing to spend time connecting means more than you ever can say or do to this person.
  3. Receiving gifts. Those who fall within the “Meaningful Gifts” group thrive on the thoughtfulness and effort behind giving gifts and they view the gifts as tangible proof of your connection and care. Gifts are love made visible to this type of person.
  4. Acts of service. Actions Speak Louder Than Words; swoop in and help. 
  5. Physical touch. Feels loved and supported through physical contact with others, It creates a powerful sense of trust with others.  Dancing for example. 

Producer, Social Media Manager, Brand Photographer: Francine Rambousek

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Betty, Linda & Sally

Music by: Alexander Nakarada
Show Sponsors:, Franny's Photography Studio

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